Friday, June 12, 2015

Best Daddy

Sarah: Why are you the best daddy I've ever seen?

Papa: It's because I love you so much I try to be the best dad I can.

Sarah: Oh, because you love me so much and I love you so much?


Saturday, May 23, 2015

Talent Show

Mama helped Sarah and Stephen prepare a joint performance for the end-of-year school talent show.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Best Friend

Stephen (beaming): Papa, you're my BEST friend!

Papa: Stephen, you're MY best friend, too!


Sarah: Good. Good, good, good! Good!

(After watching an episode of Gumby where the blockheads were trying to capture Pokey the Pony in order to earn a reward of 100 ice cream cones but Gumby was successful at the end and received the ice cream cones.)

Monday, May 4, 2015

To Grandma and Grandpa

Sarah drew up a picture for Grandma

Sarah Proudly Holding Her Monkey Drawing

Close-Up of Sarah's Monkey Drawing

Sarah then wanted to record a video message to Grandpa (with a few added words from Stephen, too):

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Sarah and Stephen have started playing soccer in the Itty Bitty division of the Phoenix Parks and Recreation, age group 3-5. They are on the same team, probably one of the few times that this will be possible.

They are definitely my kids. While the soccer games are going on, Sarah is on the field, twirling around and dancing and not paying any attention whatsoever to the ball. Mama reports that Stephen was running around and playing a separate game of tag with another 3-year-old, similarly ignoring the game.

I remember playing soccer in high school gym class and proudly telling a friend when it was over that I had never even touched the ball with my foot or otherwise.

Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like had I been exposed to more sports at an earlier age. Maybe this soccer experience by the kids is giving some insight into that.

Sunday, February 22, 2015