Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Milk! Milk!

Stephen is running around the house, lifting up his shirt, pointing to his chest, and smacking his lips (his sign for milk). Sarah is running around with him, yelling No! No! and laughing.

We think it's a reaction somehow to Mama just starting to wean him off her milk...

Hablando Espanol (Talking Spanish)

We came down to visit Nana and celebrate her birthday. We missed the date by a few days as we waited for Sarah to finish her last week of classes.

Papa: Sarita, ahora vamos a hablar solamente en espanol, porque vamos a Mexico, donde todos hablan espanol. No quieremos hablar ingles aqui, porque vamos a hacer sentir mal a nuestros familiares, quienes todos hablan espanol, y no saben hablar ingles.

So after that, Sarah kept catching Mama talking in English instead of Spanish.

Sarah: Mama! Habla en espanol!

Mama: Ok, gracias Sarita!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Kids Portraits

Taken inside the love sculpture at Scottsdale Civic Center.