Thursday, September 16, 2021

No nice

 Natalia now says "no nice" when someone is not doing what she wants them to do. 

"'Mon [Ramon] no nice" "Tita [Sarita] no nice" "Mama no nice" or "Papa no nice." 

The other day she was upset with Mama for something and singing "Mama no nice, Mama no nice" over and over as I carried her around until we walked into the living room where Mama was sitting in a recliner. Natalia looked over at her suddenly and stopped, saying, "Look, alli esta Mama!" "Hi Mama!" At this point she starts singing "Mama si nice" or "Mon no nice" to try to cover. 

Que te pasa Papa

 Natalia's newest phrase: Que te pasa Papa! 

She was sitting with me eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when a glob leaked out onto her leg by her knee. I grabbed her leg and licked off the jelly and Natalia said, "Que te pasa, Papa!"

(What's up with you?)

Recent new words for her are damelos, demasiado, tampoco, right here, and leave it there.

Other words include "Loser!" with an "L" with her finger and thumb on her forehead (guess where she learned that from).