Sunday, February 10, 2013

Clean And Dry

Sarah is now "clean and dry" all day almost every day. Now we are trying to get her to stay clean and dry at night. We motivate her by promising her gum (bribing) if she is clean and dry all night.

We are also trying internal motivation:

Papa: Sarah, how will you feel in the morning if you are clean and dry?

Sarah (smiling broadly): Really good!

Papa: Right! You'll be able to say, "I did it! I did it! I did it! Yay!"

Trying to figure out something that will work. Mama is getting tired of washing so many sheets all of the time.


Do you know what calzones are? In Spanish (and I am assuming Italian) the word means underpants. Think of that next time you are eating a calzone.

Stephen started wearing "calzones" this week since he has started getting so good about going peepeepoopoo in the bathroom. Sometimes, depending, he wears a diaper over the underpants.

Princess Pea

Sometimes Sarah reminds us of the princess in the story who was able to feel a pea through twelve mattresses.

But her skin is very delicate. She got several tiny cuts on her hand the other day just from touching some dry grass. Not cutgrass or anything, just grass.

Pretend Ice Cream

Sarah used to play a game in the car where she would give us imaginary candy or ice cream.

Sarah: Stephen would you like some ice cream? Mama? Papa? Would you like some ice cream? (pause) Waaaahhhhhhh!!

Papa: What happened?

Mama (laughing): Stephen leaned over and took Sarah's "ice cream".

Sarah: Stephen! Don't take my ICE CREAM!

Papa: Sarah, Stephen took your imaginary ice cream?

Sarah (still crying): Yes!!

Rolling Stones

Did you hear that the Rolling Stones are putting out a whole new album with music just for toddlers? It's gonna be called "Stinky Fingers."

Real Food

A nice lady was giving the kids M&M's at the local McDonalds play area. Like tons, big handfuls, of M&M's. I told the kids they had had enough because we were going to have "real food" shortly in the house.

9-year old son of nice lady: What do you mean, real food? Oh! You mean, McNuggets and fries? Oh yeah, that's what I thought you meant.

Our Favorite Places

The kids' favorite places to play:

Children's area of our awesome local library
ArchitectureKIDS, "the houses place" at our local mall
The nearest McDonalds with play area
The nearest park
The old couches piled outside our front door
Any store with shopping carts that look like cars

Boys And Girls

Boys with boys and gowols with gowols! - Sarah