Thursday, January 31, 2013

Silly Mama

The other day when Mama wasn't feeling so well, she was throwing up in the bathroom. Stephen thought it was hilarious. He followed her in, gave her a silly look and started laughing. Luckily, Mama took it well and it made her laugh, too.

Help Eating

Sarah, with a very good heart, was helping Stephen to eat his food. They both enjoyed it.

The Ring

Sarah and Mama find a lost ring on the ground.

Sarah: Si me pongo ese anillo, estoy casada? (If I put on this ring, am I married?)


I hear Stephen and Sarah in the other room. Then Stephen enters the room in skeleton shirt and bunny ears and saying, "wow-wow."

Stephen, The Phantom Dog-Bunny

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Crib

Stephen has discovered that he can climb out of his crib. 

So, now our threat of: "Stephen-don't-do-that-or-you're-going-in-the-crib!" has lost its power to bring order to our house.


Sarah On Obedience

Sarah: Papa, I like it when you obey!

Sarah: Papa, you need to obey me!

Sarah (to Grandma): Obey!

Girls' Time

This afternoon and evening Mama, Sarah and Bricela went out for girls' time. Shopping and stuff. Bricela bought Sarah a nice outfit at Children's Place, and Sarah got to go play at "the houses place," a play area at the Scottsdale Fashion Square Mall that she enjoys.

At first, Sarah wanted to take Stephen and Papa along, but after getting the extra attention of being alone with Mama, she said, "I like girls' time!"


Grandma: It's not easy being three.

Grandma explained that she had to tell this to her mother time and time again when we, as children, behaved in exasperating ways. She said that although everyone talks about the "terrible two's," in fact, age three is a lot harder. So, we try to keep this in mind when Sarah is having some meltdown or another, or is not instantly complying as we would like.


I lost count of how many times Stephen threw up last night. But I think he never stopped smiling the whole time. What a kid.



Mama: Stephen do you want water?

Stephen: Wa-(hic)-wa

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Letter Q

Sarah is working on a "letter Q" worksheet.

Sarah (points to paper): Papa, what's that?

Papa: That is the tail of the little "q."

Sarah (laughing and shaking head): That's so silly!

(By the way, it looks like her penmanship will be much better than either Mama's or Papa's.)

The One-Second Poo

The other day poor Sarah urgently needed to go to the bathroom. She sat down and in less than one noisy second released a "big mountain" of poo, and was done. "Can you clean me?"

She has not been feeling well and had a little bit of owie in her tummy. (The flu is going around.)

Monday, January 28, 2013


Both kids started out seeming ambidextrous. Sometimes they seemed to prefer the left hand, and sometimes the right. Both of them still use both hands. But they seem to be leaning right-handed.

For example: Stephen throws like a little athlete with his right arm. He throws just as often with his left arm, but the left-arm throws are "like a girl," or, "like Papa," depending on how you want to describe it. He does not seem to realize yet that one arm works better than the other.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Hey Bring That Wooden Chair Back Inside!
It's been raining the last couple of days in Phoenix. Stephen wanted to go outside so I let him, even though Mama would not approve. He mostly stayed in the doorway and out of the range of direct rain. Then he came inside, I dried him off, and he ate and went to sleep in my arms for a couple of hours while Mama tried to rest off a lingering cold.