Friday, March 29, 2013

Congratulations Grandma!

Congratulations today to Grandma, who is enjoying her first day as a newly retired person. Yesterday she had 150 people out for her "surprise"  retirement party at her office, which filled her work and surrounding parking lots to overflowing - people could not find a place to park. Also someone even came all the way out from Cleveland to celebrate with her. We are excited for Grandma to have some more time to relax and explore hobbies like her loom in the basement that she has wanted to set up for so long.

We wish Grandma and Grandpa a long, long, and happy retirement together and hope that they will come for a visit soon!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Papa: I love you Sarah!

Sarah: Papa I love you with all of my love!

Papa: (heart melts)