Sunday, July 27, 2014

Going To Ohio!

We are excited to be able to go visit Ohio and see Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Bo and some friends.

It's been up around 116F in Scottsdale for several weeks now and the Ohio summer beckons, too. Grandma told us to pack sweatshirts because it's been kind of chilly!

We have a big list of things that we want to do when we are in town, but none more important than spend time with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa is now 73 or so and has lived longer than anyone in his recent family heritage, and we always worry about what visit will be his last. But we are hopeful that his recent heart device will help him live many years to come.


It's raining out and Papa, Sarah, and Stephen step outside to enjoy some light raindrops.

Stephen: Why the spider no coming out? Where the spider?

(Referring, of course, to the Itsy Bitsy Spider song.)

Too Sweet

Papa: I think made this a little bit too sweet ...

Sarah (incredulous): I never found anything too sweet ever!