Monday, August 25, 2014

First Day Of School!

Both kids were ready for school and wearing their backpacks one hour early.

Sarah and Stephen came down the stairs, smiling.

Sarah: I'm so excited!

Stephen: I so excited!

Outside The School Before We Walked In

We took them in and sat with them for breakfast.

A 3rd-grade girl sat down by us at the table and struck up conversation, assuring us that she had had Stephen's teacher previously and that she was "really nice." (All of the kids that we saw seemed happy, well-behaved, and having fun.)

At Breakfast. Stephen Looking A Bit Tired.
Girl Was Across The Table
When the time came to go with their teachers, both separated well. The teacher took Stephen by the hand, and he looked up at her with big, trusting eyes. Sarah was biting her nails and looked nervous, even as excited as she was. Nobody cried, not even Mama (surprising).

Sarah Nibbling Her Nails
After school:

Papa: Stephen, what did you do today at school?

Stephen: I play, and play, and play, and play ... And they give us DINNER!

Mama: What did you eat?

Stephen: Two cookies. Two cookies, and cheese.