Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Happy Birthday Uncle Bo!

Happy 40th Uncle Bo! And Happy 450th, Wm. Shakespeare! But mostly, Happy Birthday Uncle Bo!

Or, as Sarah might have said when she was counting just a few weeks ago, happy thirty-tenth.

Is it true that the whole city of Chardon is having a weekend-long block party up on the square to celebrate with you?

Remember those ads in the local paper that used to say, Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's Forty!

And when forty seemed really old?

It doesn't seem so old any more, does it!

While we're remembering, how many times have you remembered today the times when someone would call you early in the morning, sing Happy Birthday to you over the phone, and then ask you to come up and open or close a window?

Anyways, Happy Birthday and Happy Engagement.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Sarah: Bris, where are you going?

Bris: To the gym, because look, I'm fat!

Sarah (brow furrows): You're not fat. You're OLD!

Bris: Haha OK Sarah!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Teacher Conferences

Mama and Papa were talking with Teacher Sasha while Sarah played nearby.

Sarah (comes over): Teacher, my papa went poopoo naked!