Friday, November 2, 2012

Developmental Snapshot "Peepeepoopoo"

Sarah and Stephen have both recently reached developmental milestones in regards to "peepeepoopoo".

Stephen for the first time has been asking to be taken to the bathroom so he can use the potty. (He uses the poopoo hand sign of pulling a thumb or finger with the other hand, while making a "thhbbt" farting sound with his mouth.) He has requested a couple of times to be taken, and then sits down and with great effort and concentration does a little bit of "number one" and/or "number two". We, of course, clap and say "Yayyyy!", which he loves. This is a very socially motivated boy.

And Sarah, who has been off of diapers since she was 18 months or so, got up the other night to take herself to the bathroom to go peepeepoopoo. Before this, she would always drag either Mama or Papa (usually Mama) out of blissful slumber to take her. Hopefully this becomes a habit.

Love, Papa

Update, November 3rd:
This morning Stephen asked to be taken to the bathroom again, where he did peepee, and then refused to put on a diaper. He wanted underwear instead. He then kept it "clean and dry" until his next requested trip to the bathroom. Will we soon be leaving diapers behind?

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